Hi there!

Firstly—here’s a very sharp memo about who we are and what we’re building—

Metaforms helps customers get life-changing insights through AI Forms.

Why do we exist?

  1. Asking the right questions and active listening leads to more relevant data collected.
  2. AI can help companies do these two things better than humans on an average.
  3. The cost of doing these with AI vs the best available human is lower.
  4. Higher Data Collection has a critical impact on the quality of decisions taken.

Our Northstar as a Forms company? Number Of Life Changing Insights Delivered to our customers.

What we want to be the best at?

  1. Asking the right AI questions
  2. The most delightful user experience
  3. Converting raw data into actionable insights

Focus Areas?

  1. Feedback
  2. User Research
  3. Surveys

How will Metaforms become a $1 billion ARR company?— Just focusing on Forms.

  1. 10% of the Typeform market (10 million ARR)
  2. 10% of the Qualtrics market (100 million ARR)
  3. 100% of Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, Typeform market ($10 billion ARR)

Other facts—